Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Okay, We're Here!

After months of reading all of my friends and families Blogs, I figured we better get on here and do some catch up. So this will be the longest one I promise. With Chris spending alot of his time at hockey practice and with my parents recent (August) move to the cities. I am sure I'll have some extra time on my hands.

Every things going great out here in Pierre, SD. Unfortunately it's cooled down now and if you know anything about good old SD, that means hibernation season will soon set in. This summer was a interesting one - mostly filled with HOURS relaxing on our boat with the occasional wake board or ski session. With the one night we took advantage of the beautiful summer and stayed on the river until 3:00 am. Well... we'll do it while we still can. We spent a couple weekends camping and one in particular we agreed will be a traditional Oahe Days Weekend at Campground 3. Filled with good friends, good food, and of course good drinks.

My (Aftin's) mom and sister went to Shakopee this summer and worked at Canterbury Downs Horse Track or as I call it "CAMP HORSE POOP". They said it was a very good learning experience for them. They really saw first hand why we are so lucky to live in the USA and what people will sacrifice to be here.

My dad sold his Auto Shop that he ran for 15+ years to move to Minneapolis. He is currently working at Walser Toyota, but is actively look for a less labor intense job. Chris's dad has been working on an antique truck and this weekend the Eich's debated on the most important part... the color. We're all excited to see the final result.

Our Moms (Lori & Deb) are both pursuing their creative talents. My mom is busy working on murals and recently did a photo shoot for models entering the pictures in MODE Magazine. Wow!! And Deb is getting her name and her Outdoor Photography out there as well. Even winning awards for her photos. We hope they both keep up the good work and keep exciting us with each new project.

Our sisters (Becky & Kendra) are entering into new phases of their lives. Becky is a new and wonderful mom, we have been lucky to spend some time with Becky, James and baby Clara throughout the last 3 months and watching her has been FUN for Chris & I. We sat at their home one afternoon and watched doting parents play with Clara and thought... IT'LL BE A WHILE. It definitely has shown us when your ready and "everything is in order" it will be that much more enjoyable. And Kendra will be entering college soon just waiting to hear back from FAFSA. We are so excited for her. She is also working at a auto dealership in Jordan, MN and driving a Camry... Following well in big sister's footsteps. We know she'll do well and impress everyone she comes into contact with.

Oh yeah and what about us...

We are always up to something. Chris is working at Klein's Office Furniture as their Designer and in sales as well. All I have heard is good things, he won't come out and say "I rock at what I do", but everyone loves his work and loves working with him. I recently took a new position at Fischer Rounds (insurance) as an Account Manager. The more years I am in the workforce I realize that it is great to work with great people.

Ok... here's my ending for now!

Make it a great week!

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